Growing Together, Sharing Happiness
Latest AML/CFT
The legal and compliance team offered training on AML, CFT, and WMD for three branches through an online program that started in October
In October, the Legal & Compliance Team offered an online training …
UNSC’ Sanction List (17 September 2024)
The updated UN sanction list of individual and entitles...
The Legal and Compliance Team offers training on AML, CFT, WMD, and STR for 3 branches
In September, Legal & Compliance Manager Daw Nan Aye...
The Legal and Compliance Team provided AML, CFT, WMD, and STR training and branches
On 12.7.2024, Ko Kyaw Kyaw Khine and Ko Htet Lin from the...
Legal and Compliance Team Visits in Ayeyarwady Region As KYE Policy
On June 10, 2024, Ma Aye Aye Phyu and Ma Yuzana Aung...
UNSC’ Sanction List (27 May 2024)
The updated UN sanction list of individual and entitles...