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Hana Microfinance and Tun Yat Sign Partnership Agreement

Jul 1, 2024 | News

Yangon, 27 June 2024 

Hana Microfinance and Tun Yat formalized their partnership on 27 June 2024 at Inya Lake Hotel. The signing ceremony was graced by the presence of CEO U Min Min Zaw, CSO Mr. Won Suk Chang, CFO Mr. Byungseo Yoo, Deputy COO U Thant Zin, and other representatives from Hana Microfinance. From Tun Yat, CEO Mr. Hujjat Nadarajah, COO U Kyaw Wint Thu, and their team attended. Additionally, Agricultural Economics Officer Ms. L Seng Kham from LIFT, Senior Project Officer Hsu Myat Oo, and Project Officer Daw Shoon Lae Aung attended as observers. 

The agreement aims to foster agricultural development for farmers. Prior to the signing, CEO U Min Min Zaw of Hana Microfinance remarked: 

 “We believe that collaborating with partner organizations is more beneficial than working alone. We hope this partnership will offer greater support to farmers. HMF will act as a financial provider in this pilot project, striving for success and collaboration on future projects. HMF is committed to innovation and digitalization. We are very pleased to work with Tun Yat.” 

 COO U Kyaw Wint Thu of Tun Yat added: 

 “We provide agricultural technique training for farmers and will facilitate access to finance in the future. We aim to help farmers sell their products directly in urban markets, creating market linkages. We are happy to collaborate with Hana Microfinance.” 

CSO Mr. Won Suk Chang and CFO Mr. Byungseo Yoo from Hana Microfinance, along with CEO Mr. Hujjat Nadarajah from Tun Yat, expressed their gratitude for the collaboration. Observers from LIFT and SwissContact also shared their satisfaction with the partnership. 

Following the remarks, CEO U Min Min Zaw and CSO Mr. Won Suk Chang from Hana Microfinance, along with COO U Kyaw Wint Thu and CEO Mr. Hujjat Nadarajah from Tun Yat, signed the partnership agreement, successfully concluding the ceremony. 

Hana Microfinance, a microfinance company with main shareholders Hana Capital and Hana Bank (subsidiaries of Hana Financial Group), provides financial support for small and micro businesses and agricultural sector development through collaborations with partner organizations.