Group Loan

Group Loan is for business owners who have a valid business or are willing to start a business.
Group Loan Criteria Requirements
- Must be between 18 to 60 years
- Have NRC (National Registration Card),HouseholdRegistration
- Have Business license or proof of business
Credit Amount
50,000 MMK to 5,000,000 MMK
Loan Period
3 months to 24 months (about 2 years)
Group Loan Members
3 to 5 People (Should be like-minded and reliable residents, Membersmust beresponsible together, Live in the same ward with your groupmembers.)
Rate of Interest
Annual interest rate 28%
Repayment/ Reimbursement
Monthly, every 28 days
Compulsory savings
Mandatory to save 5% the borrowed Credit Amount . The interest recovered is 14% annually as saving interest
Individual Loan

This loan product is for our valuable clients to grow and help their business keep running.
Individual Loan Criteria Requirements
- Must be Myanmar citizen between 20 to 60 years
- Have NRC (National Registration Card), Household Registration
- Have Business license or proof of business
- Apply together with a family member
Credit Amount
1,000,000 MMK to 10,000,000 MMK
Loan Period
Rate of Interest
Compulsory savings
Mandatory to save 5% the borrowed Credit Amount. The interest recovered is 14% annually as saving interest.
Consumer Loan

Consumer Loan Criteria Requirements
- Must be Myanmar citizen between 20 to 60 years
- Have NRC (National Registration Card), Household Registration
- Have Business license or proof of business
Credit Amount
1,000,000 MMK to 5,000,000 MMK
Rate of Interest
Compulsory savings
Mandatory to save 5% the borrowed Credit Amount. The interest recovered is 14% annually as saving interest.
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