Corporate Governance

Our Management Team


Min Min Zaw

Acting CEO & Chief Operations Officer (COO)
Year of Appointment as Acting CEO: 01 January 2024
Year of Appointment as COO: 2022


Won Suk Chang

Chief Strategy Officer
Year of Appointment: 2024


Sai Nay Lynn

Chief Digital Officer (CDO)
Year of Appointment: 2021


Byungseo Yoo

Chief Finance Officer (CFO)
Year of Appointment: 2023


Thet Htar Oo

Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)
Year of Appointment: 2023

Ethics & Compliance

At Hana Microfinance, we prioritize not only financial success but also ethical practices that resonate with our values. Every employee plays a crucial role in upholding the legality, integrity and reputation of HMF..


– Legal Compliance

Adherence to environmental, safety and fair dealing laws is non-negotiable. All employees must stay informed and compliant, ensuring that HMF operates within the law’s boundaries.


– Ethical Conduct

Our team is committed to ethical conduct in every aspect of our operations. This extends to our interactions with HMF’s finances, products, partnerships, public image and most importantly, our clients. We believe that acting responsibly not only organization but also contributes to the betterment of society.


– Laws and Regulations

To be good corporate citizens, all HMF staff must comply with local laws, regulations and internal policies. Our commitment to preventing crimes, corruption and illegal activities is unwavering. Additionally, we emphasize communication that reflects kindness and gentleness, fostering positive recognition and respect in society..

Code of Conduct

HMF’s Global Code of Conduct serves as a comprehensive guide, outlining the responsibilities of individual employees, expectations of a respectful workplace and the company’s commitment to its shareholders.


– Freedom of Expression and Open Communication

While we encourage freedom of expression and open communication, we emphasize that these must align with HFM’s Code of Conduct. Employee should express themselves without causing offense or participating in serious disputes that could disrupt the workplace.


– Respectful and Collaborative Environment

We expect our employees to contribute to a well-organized, respectful and collaborative environment. Discrimination, harassment or victimization of any kind will not be tolerated. Our equal opportunity policy applies to all aspects of work, from recruitment and performance evaluation to interpersonal relations.


By adhering to these principles, we aim to not only achieve financial success but also foster a workplace culture rooted in integrity, responsibility and respect.

Hana Microfinance