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Hana Microfinance (HMF), in collaboration with Thitsaworks, conducted Digital Financial Literacy (DFL) Training

Jan 13, 2022 | News | 0 comments

Smartphone penetration and mobile internet usage in Myanmar has rocketed over the past few years, however, digital literacy levels in Myanmar could not keep up with the increased rates of smartphone and internet usage yet. Moreover, most of the smartphone users live in cities and only 44% of the country’s population are internet users according to datareportal website’s Digital 2020: Myanmar report. People in rural areas have lower internet usage and therefore weak in digital literacy.

For these reasons, Hana Microfinance (HMF), with support from UNDP, collaborated with Thitsaworks and conducted digital literacy training with the aim to foster digital literacy knowledge especially in most needed areas.

HMF conducted Digital Financial Literacy Training in Myitkyina and Mohnyin Townships, Kachin State and Yamethin Township, Mandalay Region in September and December 2020 respectively.

HMF staffs first received “Pite Pite Plus DFL Online Training” from Thitsaworks as Training-of-Trainers (ToT). HMF then provided training to the clients during their visit to clients’ locations. The total project duration was 5 months for these three locations.

The training highlights digital and mobile technology related knowledge such as usage of mobile phones, digital currency, mobile wallets, as well as knowledge related to financial management and insurance.

HMF will continue to organize knowledge sharing workshops for its clients across all branches in Myanmar.